Monday 18 June 2012

Aaron Lange interview

Aaron Lange’s comix and writing have appeared in Mineshaft Magazine and a bunch of other zines you’ve never heard of. They might have names like Bongo Fear, Sex Mutilator, or Mondo Napalm – but hey, even he can’t remember. In addition to contributing to the marginalized “small-press,” he has also self-published his new comic ROMP and the long(ish) running, cult(ish) classic Razor Burn.
Aaron Lange is a Philadelphia based cartoonist who rapidly becoming one of my favorite cartoonists. I first became aware of Mr Lange through seeing his name mentioned in the front of a copy of Noah van skivers comic “Blammo”.
Aarons current work includes his latest comic called “ROMP” in which issue #3 has just come out (see at the end where to buy) as well as previous work in his comic “Razor Burn”.

The below interview was conducted by email.

Banci: Hi Aaron thanks for taking the time to do this interview, first off what first made you want to get into doing cartooning in the first place?  

Aaron Lange: Well, I think you’ll get a very similar answer from almost every male cartoonist. I remember before I was even old enough to read, I saw a Spider-Man comic and the fucking thing just blew my mind. It was so colorful and exciting! I think Rhino was on the cover, but who knows? This was the early 80’s. Seeing that book might be my earliest memory. It’s been downhill since then.
Banci: growing up what comics did you first get into.

Aaron Lange: Crap. I started reading comics around 1990 or so. It was all superhero bullshit. I’ve only kept very few comics from my nerd youth. Some were okay, like weird Batman Elseworlds, but I burned my allowance on piles of crap like Wolverine. In college I got hip to Hate and Eighball and shit like that. Growing up in suburban Cleveland I didn’t know about that stuff. The local comic shops didn’t carry anything “alternative”. That has since changed for the better.

Banci: Are any of your family creative or in the arts, were any of them a big influence on you

Aaron Lange: Not at all. But my younger brother does a lot of blogging about considering video games as “art”. I couldn’t give a fuck about gaming, but he’s a very good writer. Also, him and his weird friends make little youtube videos. There’s one up of my brother naked, crying in a bathtub and putting a ciggarette out on himself. There’s not much else to do in Cleveland.

Banci: what was your motive behind using pornography in ROMP

Aaron Lange: Well, it’s not a stroke book, y’know? If anyone is jacking off to ROMP they’re more fucked up than me. I wanted to use pornographic images as a Trojan horse for satire. Also, the “money shots” in ROMP are the punch lines. The sex is just the concept of the premise or genre. Lofty bullshit aside, I do like drawing pretty girls more than anything else.

Banci: what are your feelings on pornography in modern day society are you a fan yourself

Aaron Lange: That’s way too complicated to get into fully here. I’m not gonna lie, I watch a LOT of porn. I’m a chronic masturbator. But there’s some really nasty, vile stuff out there. How much money do you have to pay a girl for an anal gang bang? Or when the girls choke on dicks until they puke slimy bile. I’m a degenerate creep, but I think that kinda stuff is hateful. Don’t get me wrong, I like rough stuff. I just think the girl should like it too. Doing it for a cocaine paycheck sends a lousy message. But those LA scumfuck porno guys don’t give a shit.

Banci: what do you think of the comics industry these day’s. Do you think it will ever improve in terms of Comix artists making money or even a living.

Aaron Lange: It’s a weird time. Comix seem to be dying and thriving simultaneously. I think print will become near obsolete and then make a huge niche comeback like vinyl. Things are gonna have to get worse before they get better. But some of the guys my age are doing all right. Van Sciver doesn’t have to punch a clock anymore.
Banci: what’s the process for you when you go to sit down and make a comic strip

Aaron Lange: A pot of coffee and a full ashtray. Maybe I’ll put on that Beat Generation box set that Rhino put out some years ago. That or Wagner.

Banci: do you find that you get inspiration from reading other peoples comic (not insinuating that you rip any one off) or if not then where do you get your inspiration from

Aaron Lange: I used to. Anymore I just get jealous or frustrated. You look at Charles Burns and it’s like “How the fuck does he DO that?!” He’s mind-boggling. Incidentally, he lives down the street from me. I’ve met him a few times, but he doesn’t know that.
Banci: what do your friends and love ones make of “Romp” when they read it.

Aaron Lange: I haven’t shown it to my parents. They’re supportive though, if not bewildered.

Banci: do you have a girlfriend at the moment, what does she think of romp.

Aaron Lange: I’m married. I remember when we’d first started dating she saw a very vulgar cartoon I’d left on my table. She screamed! I’ve since pummeled her into a state of emotional numbness.

Banci:  are any of the characters in Romp based on any one in particular that you know personally.

Aaron Lange: Jay Jazz is loosely based on my old roommate. Ironically, he never got laid when we were living together. He blames me. He got some pussy the week I moved out! But he’s a classy guy. He’d sit around in his robe drinking scotch and listening to Dave Brubeck. He’d wear a fez at parties and fix everyone’s drinks. He’s a man out of time.

Banci: In terms of putting romp together how far do you go in terms of censoring yourself is there any subject matter that you won’t go near

Aaron Lange: The only thing that’s verboten is child sex. And that’s only for legal reasons. Those fucks WILL arrest you for drawing pictures. Look at Mike Dianna.

Banci: do ever getting any one writing to you complaining about subject matter in your books or hate mail

Aaron Lange: Never! I wish! Prudes aren’t gonna get their hands on a dirty underground comic. It’s off the radar. I have received Holocaust denial literature in the mail because off my use of Nazi imagery. I suppose that’s a different type of “hate mail”.

Banci: what tools and artist materials do you use to create your comix

Aaron Lange: Nothing special. Bristol Board and micron pens. Everything (except for coloring) is done by hand. Sometimes I’ll even pull out some old Zip-a-tone for a special occasion, but I’m running out.

Banci: do you make a living off of creating art/illustration or anything like that

Aaron Lange: Is that a joke question?

Banci: no not at all, are you a professional illustrator or do you have a full time job just to pay the rent.
Aaron Lange: I’ve been washing dishes on and off for the last 5 years. I’ve had a wide variety of shit jobs, from temping to working in a gay video store.  I just got a new gig as a bar back recently. I’ll make a buck here and there doing illustrations. I just did a 7” cover for some European punk band, but its not like they have any money either. My fans are drug addicts, unemployed, or worse. They’re as broke as me. I just had a solo exhibition the other week and I didn’t sell a single piece. Nice turn out though!

Banci:  I have read here and there that your comics are the funniest since rick altergott would you say he has been an influence on your creative development.

Aaron Lange: That’s a Crumb quote. He said that about me in a Mineshaft letter column.  Yeah, Altergott is the man. I think some of the pacing in ROMP owes a considerable debt to Doofus.

Banci: who would you say are your favorite comic creators who are around the moment or who you would recommend.

Aaron Lange: The usual suspects. Dan Clowes gets enough press. He doesn’t need ME to hype him.

Banci: what advice  or tips would you give to up and coming cartoonists/ comix creators

Aaron Lange: Bukowski’s grave has “Don’t Try” engraved on it. That’s good enough advice for anybody.

Banci: where did you learn to become an artist

Aaron Lange: I went to art school, but I wouldn't say I learned anything there. I'm self taught. When I was a kid I would copy comics I liked. When I got older I would copy photos I liked. Doing that for years was more or less my education. I would spend hours making my own posters for Star Wars, trying to get the characters likeness down. Princess Leia was always a bitch. It took me a long time to figure out how to draw women. I was so tit focused I always neglected their hips or other differences. If you take the time to notice, this is a frequent problem in young fan art!

Banci: What’s your favorite Quote

Aaron Lange: “Maybe this world is another planet’s hell” – Aldous Huxley

Banci: what is your primary goal you want to achieve for the future?

Aaron Lange: Goals just lead to disappointment. I just try to enjoy each day as it comes. Yesterday I just laid around with my wife and cat and read a Bruce Sterling paperback. That’s enough for me.  I’m from the Midwest. We don’t expect much. We shovel snow and smile.

Banci: what’s next for you after Romp #3

Aaron Lange: I’m really not sure. I’m taking a small sabbatical. After that I might write a comic about my old heroin dealer. His name was “Dog” and his girlfriend went by “Kitty”. It’s such a weird story I’m afraid people are gonna think I made it up, but its all true.

Banci: thanks ever so much Aaron for taking the time to answer my questions.

You can buy Aaron’s Comix from the deliciously disgusting Dexter Cockburn by clicking on the link below:

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